
Going to list and describe why each of these people are so influential to me, my art and general living.

She always seems to draw things that make me, scream, squeal and howl. Whether it be in gorgeousness, the overall creativity, the gravity of colour or the filling of warm thoughts. She's by far one of my favoured artists in the world. She's always working so hard and is evident in her artwork. She strives for nothing but the best in her eyes. If I could meet her, and be a shadow or even have the honor of her being my mentor I would surely die and fight my way out of heaven to learn from her. 
Charlie is a magnificent artist, to whom I envy her fluid lines and sense of elegance. I look at her work and I don't feel jealous that she's better, perfected her style or even has success I have yet to taste. I feel invigorated, and wonderful to know such art exists and that someone in their own right and way loves to put pen to paper like I do. I want to love my art they way she does, and I want to aspire holding beauty in subtle strokes by my hands.

This is the guy who made my teen years so freaking awesome. I love Final Fantasy, always have, always will (even when they get to their 50th game). The majority of the stories are fantastic and magical. His artwork is where I derive a vast amount of my own, in the sense that his drawings are stylized and yet hold a realism to them. I love detail and design more than simplicity but everything he does is relatable to me in the sense it already feels like home. This guy, makes good games. This guy, is kinda who I wanna be in 25 years. And Kingdom Hearts, c'mon Disney and Square? Crapola, that's good.

She is a textile artist/teacher from Tokyo. Even though her art is in her clothes I think she has a great mixture of colours and patterns. I always love what's she's wearing and it inspires me ot be more daring with my clothes and let he otehr side that is not always looked at show. My inspiration from her is her endless creativity in clothing. If anything I could only wish to study and try and understand how she comes up with these fashions and try to inject them into my own art with my personal style .

Magdalena Radziej aka Harpiya